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​Research (Takeda Group)



We have mainly used rice to investigate the mechanisms that maintain the function of growth points under environmental stress and the regulation of the jasmonic acid response.

In recent years, we have been focusing on research that incorporates synthetic biological perspectives and aims to construct artificial membrane-less organelles (AMOs) in plant cells. In the future, by creating AMOs with new functions, we believe that we will be able to impart various functions to plants, and greatly expand the possibilities of bio-materials and bio-drug discovery.



The following are descriptions of our research and publications

If you are interested, please feel free to contact us.​​

Research projects


天然変性タンパク質 Intrinsically disordered proteins, 非膜系オルガネラ membrane-less organelles, ジャスモン酸 Jasmonate, 環境ストレス Environmental stress, エピジェネティック制御 epigenetic regulation, ゲノムメンテナンス genome maintenance


Construction of Artificial Membrane-less

Organelles (AMOs)




Mechanisms underlying growth and survival of rice under stressful conditions




Condensates of proteins in plant cells



ジャスモン酸 (植物ホルモン)のはたらきを制御する

Control of Jasmonate signaling




Genome maintenance and epigenetic regulation in plants


Pipetting Samples


Selected publications

​原著論文 Original Papers


Koja, Y.,  Arakawa, T., Yoritaka, Y., Joshima, Y., Kobayashi, H., Toda K. and Takeda, S.

Basic design of artificial membrane-less organelles using condensation-prone proteins in plant cells

Communications Biology 7: 1396 (2024).

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Koja, Y., Joshima Y., Yoritaka, Y., Arakawa,T., Go, H., Hakamata, N., Kaseda, H., Hattori, T. and Takeda, S.

Formation of subcellular compartments by condensation-prone protein OsJAZ2 in Oryza sativa and Nicotiana benthamiana leaf cells

Plant Cell Reports (2023) 42(2):269-286

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Ogawa, D., Suzuki, Y., Yokoo, T., Katoh, E., Teruya, M., Muramatsu, M., Ma, J. F., Yoshida, Y., Isaji, S., Ogo, Y., Miyao, M., Kim, J.-M., Kojima, M., Takebayashi, Y., Sakakibara, H., Takeda, S., Okada, K., Mori, N., Seki, M. and Habu Y.

Acetic-acid-induced jasmonate signaling in root enhances drought avoidance in rice

Scientific Reports. 11: 6280. (2021).

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Mahjoubi, H., Tamari, Y., Takeda, S., Bouchabké-Coussa, O., Hanin, M., Herzog, E., Schmit, A.-C., Chabouté, M.-Edith. and Ebel, C.

The wheat TdRL1 is the functional homolog of the rice RSS1 and promotes plant salt stress tolerance. 

Plant Cell Reports. 37:1625-1637. (2018). 

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Kurotani, K., Yamanaka, K., Toda, Y., Ogawa, D., Tanaka, M., Kozawa, H., Nakamura, H., Hakata, M., Ichikawa, H., Hattori, T. and Takeda S.

Stress-tolerance profiling of a collection of extant salt-tolerant rice varieties and transgenic plants overexpressing abiotic stress tolerance genes. 

Plant Cell Physiol. 56; 1867-1876. (2015). 

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Kurotani, K., Hayashi, K., Hatanaka, S., Toda, Y., Ogawa, D., Ichikawa, H., Ishimaru, Y., Tashita, R., Suzuki, T., Ueda, M., Hattori, T. and Takeda S.

Elevated levels of CYP94 family gene expression alleviate the jasmonate response and enhance salt tolerance in rice. 

Plant Cell Physiol. 56; 779-789 (2015).

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Hori, Y., Kurotani, K., Toda, Y., Hattori, T., and Takeda, S.

Overexpression of the JAZ factors with mutated Jas domains causes pleiotropic defects in rice spikelet development. 

Plant Signaling & Behavior. 9; e970414. (2014).

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Ohno, Y., Nishimura, T., Hattori, T., and Takeda, S.

BRU1 maintains configuration of the euchromatic subchromosomal domain in the nucleus of Arabidopsis.

Plant Mol. Biol. Rep. 32; 19-27. (2014).

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Toda, Y., Tanaka, M., Ogawa, D., Kurata, K., Kurotani, K., Habu, Y., Ando, T., Sugimoto, K., Mitsuda, N., Katoh, E., Abe, K., Miyao, A., Hirochika, H., Hattori, T., and Takeda, S.

RICE SALT SENSITIVE 3 forms a ternary complex with JAZ and class-C bHLH factors, and regulates JA-induced gene expression and root cell elongation. 

Plant Cell 25; 1709-1725. (2013).

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Ogawa, D., Morita, H., Hattori, T., and Takeda, S.

Molecular characterization of the rice protein RSS1 required for meristematic activity under stressful conditions. 

Plant Physiol. Biochem. 61; 54-60. (2012).

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Ogawa, D., Abe, K., Miyao, A., Kojima, M., Sakakibara, H., Mizutani, M. Morita, H., Toda, Y. Hobo, T. Sato, Y., Hattori, T., Hirochika, H. and Takeda, S.

RSS1 regulates the cell cycle and maintains meristematic activity under stress conditions in rice. 

Nature Communications. 2; 278. (2011).

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Ohno, Y., Narangajavana, J., Yamamoto, A., Hattori, T., Kagaya,Y., Paszkowski, J., Gruissem,W., Hennig, L., and Takeda, S.

Ectopic gene expression and organogenesis in Arabidopsis mutants missing BRU1 required for genome maintenance. 

Genetics. 189; 83-95. (2011).

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Brini, F., Yamamoto, A., Jlaeil, L., Takeda, S., Hobo, T., Dinh, H.Q., Hattori, T., Masmoudi, K. and Hanin, M.

Pleiotropic effects of the wheat dehydrin DHN-5 on stress responses in Arabidopsis. 

Plant Cell Physiol. 52; 676-688. (2011)

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総説など Reviews, etc.

Ismail, A., Takeda, S and Nick, P.

Life and death under salt stress: same players, different timing?

J. Exp. Bot. 65:2963-2979 (2014).

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Hanin, M., Brini, F., Ebel, C., Toda, Y., Takeda, S. and Masmoudi, K.

Plant dehydrins and stress tolerance: versatile proteins for complex mechanisms. 

Plant Signaling & Behavior. 6; 1503 - 1509. (2011).

​​詳細はこちら For more information

Takeda, S. and Matsuoka, M. 

Genetic approaches to crop improvement: responding to environmental and population changes. 

Nature Review Genetics 9, 444-457. (2008).​

​​詳細はこちら For more information

名古屋大学大学院  生命農学研究科  



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